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Hampton One-Design Boat Grant Program Application

Hampton One Design Boat Grant Program Application

1. Your name:




2. Your birth date:




3. Crew name and birth date (if known)




4. What 2 regattas in addition to the National regatta will you sail this summer season? (Refer to the website for the schedule) You are encouraged to sail in as many regattas as possible.



5 Do you have access to a vehicle that can tow the boat (requires a 1 7/8th inch hitch) and are you capable of towing the boat?




7. Will you write an article about your experience in the program and racing the HOD?




8. Where do you plan to store the boat? We can help with storage if needed.




Please attach with the Application:

o The sailing resume of each member of your team.

o At least one recommendation from a sailor, coach, or another pertinent person knowledgeable of you. They can be a current or former coach, a competitor, a member of your yacht club, or any other sailing reference who knows you well. No recommendations from relatives, please.

o A personal letter outlining what the grant would mean to you and why you are the best candidate for the grant. As part of this, please include: (i) a short narrative describing why you would like to participate in the program and how you hope to benefit from it; (ii) your transportation resources, options or needs; and (iii) your experience with boat maintenance (if any), and how the boat will be taken care of and stored.


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